Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hopstinianus Concept Art

Sunday November 10, 2013
Hopstinianus Concept Art
This the Anouncer because he works in the Hippodrome and he is a hippo.

The archetects Athemius and Isadore

Line art of Athemius and Isadore

The baker is a bear with a hairstyle, his apperance is simmular to Ben from the Story Keepers.

Belisarius is a tabby cat and he is based on Justinian's General of the same name.

The Blue Chariot Racer is a brown dog with a blue tunic that symbolize the faction.

Catonina is wearing funeral attire because she is mornful.

This is Catonina's concept art because she was based on Antonina, her clothing is modeled after the mosaic of San Vitale.

This is Carsrou because he was based on the Sassanad King Khusrou.

This is the Clergymen because their clothes were modeled after Justinian's mosaic.

This is Hopstinian in his later years of his life

This is the slave master and auccioneer because he whips his slaves if they disobey their master.

The slaves were channed and Lupicia was one of them.

Lupicia is a slave and has a name tag.

This chariot racer was a cat and the green tunic symbolizes the faction.

This is Hecabolius, the governor of Syria who became Theorabbit's master.

This is the finalized cast of Hopstinianus.

This is the finalized version of rioters along with Hypatius and Pompeius.

Hypatius was once a bodyguard but he left to become a senator.

This is Narses one of Hopstinian's generals who was of Armeninan ancestry.

This is Patriach Timmothy who baptised Theorabbit.

This the Patriarch because he is the head of the Orthodox Church just like the Pope who is the head of the Catholic Church.

Thease are the Ostrogoths portrayed as ugly pigs with tusks.

This is the couridors whose clothing modeled after the mosaic of the same name.

Thease are the slaves who are carrying the wine, olive oil, clothes, and oranges.

Thease are Theorabbit's ladies in waiting.

This is Squirrelcopius, he was based on Procopius,Justinian's historian and adviser.
The Patriarch wears funeral attire because it is purple.

This is the Visagoths portrayed as bulldogs.

This the traffic control officer because he enforces traffic laws and controls traffic.

This is Vigilantia because she is Hopstinian's mother and a peasent.

This is Tribonian, Hopstinian's lawyer who helped him established the Corpus Jurius Civilius.

Thease are the bodyguards, officers, soilders, and policemen.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Early concept art of Hopstinianus

Sunday November 10,2013

Early Concept Art of Hopstinianus
This is the early version of Theorabbit because her design was finalized a year later.

This is the early version of Hopstinian because he was changed into a adult and was finalized.

The First drawing of Petrus Sabbatius with his parents, but it was finalized.

The first drawing of Belisarius because he was added to the cast and he ended up being finalized. 

This is another concept of Hopstinian.

This is the early cast of Hopstinianus.

This the early concept of Theorabbit, her mother, her father Acacius the bear trainer, and her sisters Comito and Anastasia.

This is concept art of Hopstinian looking at the Hagia Sophia from his view in his chambers.

This is the 3rd early version of Hopstinian because he was almost finalized.