Saturday, May 4, 2013

Early concept art of Hopstinianus

Sunday November 10,2013

Early Concept Art of Hopstinianus
This is the early version of Theorabbit because her design was finalized a year later.

This is the early version of Hopstinian because he was changed into a adult and was finalized.

The First drawing of Petrus Sabbatius with his parents, but it was finalized.

The first drawing of Belisarius because he was added to the cast and he ended up being finalized. 

This is another concept of Hopstinian.

This is the early cast of Hopstinianus.

This the early concept of Theorabbit, her mother, her father Acacius the bear trainer, and her sisters Comito and Anastasia.

This is concept art of Hopstinian looking at the Hagia Sophia from his view in his chambers.

This is the 3rd early version of Hopstinian because he was almost finalized.

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